IRIS 2nd Call for Proposals : Technical Webinars for Proposal Ideation (Finance & GIRI/Data)

About The Event

Infrastructure for Resilient Island States (IRIS) is CDRI’s flagship program launched at COP 26. IRIS aims to provide technical support on multifaceted issues posed by infrastructure systems and promote disaster and climate resilience of infrastructure assets in SIDS. Under IRIS, a 2nd Call for Proposals ‘Climate Action, Mainstreaming Resilience and Strengthening Data for Resilient and Inclusive Infrastructure’ was announced on 27 May 2024 at SIDS4. The Call has been designed to respond to the Antigua and Barbuda Agenda for SIDS (ABAS) and will receive proposals till 31 August 2024.

To support the interested applicants on proposal ideation, CDRI is hosting a series of technical webinars tailored to the specific thematic areas and infrastructure sectors covered under the Call. These webinars will help interested applicants towards ideating and formulating impactful proposals in line with the theme of the Call.

The first set of information webinars was hosted on 19 June 2024. Missed it? The recordings can be accessed here.


Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar
Umamaheshwaran Rajasekar
Advisor - Urban Resilience
Riya Rahiman
Riya Rahiman
Lead Specialist - Infrastructure for Resilient Island States(IRIS)
Raj Vikram Singh
Raj Vikram Singh
Senior Specialist- Disaster Risk Financing
Aparajita Suman
Aparajita Suman
Advisor - Knowledge Management

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