ICDRI 2024 - Day 1 Plenary 2
[ICDRI 2024]
ICDRI 2024 - Day 1 Plenary 1
[ICDRI 2024]
ICDRI 2024 - Day 1 Opening Plenary
[ICDRI 2024]
ICDRI 2023 Sneak Peek
Introduction to ICDRI 2023 and its pillars. [CDRI, ICDRI 2023, Solutions, Innovations, Pathways,...
ICDRI 2022: Risk Assessments and Resilience Metrics
The session will discuss how infrastructure transitions will affect the current disaster and...
ICDRI 2022: Closing Session
The closing session of ICDRI 2022 brought together the CDRI’s Governing Council Co-Chairs to share...
ICDRI 2021: Urban Resilience
Since 2020, all urban systems have been put to an unprecedented stress test. The triple effects of...
ICDRI 2021: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - Pacific Island Countries
The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are among the most disaster-prone regions due to climate...
ICDRI 2021: Small Island Developing states (SIDS) - Caribbean Island Countries
The Small Island Developing States (SIDS) are among the most disaster-prone regions due to climate...
ICDRI 2021: Situating Resilient Infrastructure In The Context Of International Commitments
As part of COVID-19 global recovery, infrastructure investments are being looked at as an...
ICDRI 2021: Reimagining Global Health Infrastructure & Supply Chain Systems Towards Resilient Future
The Reimagining Global Health Infrastructure And Supply Chain Systems Towards A Resilient Future’...
ICDRI 2021: Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
The concept of resilience includes the ability to recover quickly after disasters and is essential...
ICDRI 2021: Perspectives On Governance And Policy For Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
Governance forms the backbone of public as well as private investments in disaster resilient...
ICDRI 2021: Innovation and Emerging Technologies
The world is witnessing unprecedented occurrences and impacts of disasters, leading to an...
ICDRI 2021: Global Infrastructure Risk Assessment
The ‘Global Infrastructure Risk Assessment’ session took stock of the current state of global...
ICDRI 2021: Finance for Resilient Infrastructure
Climate change and related hazards have rapidly evolved from being perceived as a long- and...
CDRI Fellowship results were announced on 17 March 2021 at the International Conference on...
ICDRI 2021: Exploring Digital Infrastructure Resilience
Accelerated development within the digital infrastructure domain has enabled Information...
ICDRI 2021 Inauguration with Keynote Speeches by Honourable PM's of India, UK, Fiji and Italy
The Inaugural session of the International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure...
ICDRI 2021 - Innovation and Emerging Technologies
The world is witnessing unprecedented occurrences and impacts of disasters, leading to an...