ICDRI 2021: Small Island Developing States (SIDS) - Pacific Island Countries
resilience for infrastructure development. [CDRI, Videos, ICDRI 2021, SIDS, Pacific Islands]

ICDRI 2021: Small Island Developing states (SIDS) - Caribbean Island Countries
resilience for infrastructure development. [CDRI, Videos, ICDRI 2021, SIDS, Caribbean Islands]

ICDRI 2021: Situating Resilient Infrastructure In The Context Of International Commitments
these international commitments. [Videos, ICDRI 2021, Resilient Infrastructure, COVID-19,...

ICDRI 2021: Reimagining Global Health Infrastructure & Supply Chain Systems Towards Resilient Future
infrastructure development across all sectors. [CDRI, Videos, ICDRI 2021, Global Health, Supply...

ICDRI 2021: Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction
with various competing priorities. [Videos, ICDRI 2021, Finance, Reconstruction, Infrastructure...

ICDRI 2021: Perspectives On Governance And Policy For Disaster Resilient Infrastructure
brought together high-level stakeholders across CDRI member countries, the private sector and...

ICDRI 2021: Innovation and Emerging Technologies
as support build back better and faster. The ICDRI session explored two fundamental aspects of...

ICDRI 2021: Global Infrastructure Risk Assessment
infrastructure assets to systemic risk. CDRI’s Flagship Report on Global Infrastructure Resilience...

ICDRI 2021: Finance for Resilient Infrastructure
through the discussion will form the CDRI Workplan for the coming years. [Videos, ICDRI 2021,...

CDRI Fellowship results were announced on 17 March 2021 at the International Conference on...

ICDRI 2021: Exploring Digital Infrastructure Resilience
digital infrastructure resilience. [Videos, ICDRI 2021, Digital, Infrastructure risk]

ICDRI 2021 Inauguration with Keynote Speeches by Honourable PM's of India, UK, Fiji and Italy
on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) 2021 featured keynote speeches by Mr. Narendra Modi,...

ICDRI 2021 - Innovation and Emerging Technologies
help us face these disasters. Visit https://icdri.cdri.world/index.html to know more. #ICDRI2021...

ICDRI 2021 - Health Infrastructure Resilience
in on Day 1 of #ICDRI2021 for this session, which will bring together the key reflections and...

H.E. Ugo Astuto, Ambassador, Delegation of European Union to India and Bhutan on ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, ICDRI 2022, Videos, EU, Disaster resilience, Climate Resilience, Disaster and Climate...

H.E. Mr. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama, Prime Minister of Fiji at ICDRI 2021
Minister of Fiji at the inaugural session of #ICDRI2021. [CDRI, Videos, ICDRI 2021, Fiji]

H.E. Mr. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama on planning and preparing for disasters
include 2-3 lines of context for the speech [CDRI, Videos, H.E. Mr. Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama,...

H.E. Mr. Alex Ellis on how CDRI can help in infrastructure and climate change adaptation
include 2-3 lines of context for the speech [CDRI, India, Videos, Adaptation, H.E Alex Ellis,...

H.E. Jason Keats Hall, High Commissioner, Jamaica on ICDRI 2023 and India's G20 Presidency
[CDRI, Jamaica, G20, India's G20 Presidency, jason Keats Hall, DIsaster Risk Reduction] []

H.E. Jason Keats Hall, High Commissioner, Jamaica on ICDRI 2023 and India's G20 Presidency
risk reduction under India’s G20 Presidency, CDRI’s work, and his expectation from ICDRI 2023...