Global Infrastructure Resilience: Capturing the Resilience Dividend

About The Event

Global Infrastructure Resilience Report- Key Messages

The inaugural webinar in the DRI dialogue series on CDRI’s Biennial Report, in collaboration with the International Coalition for Sustainable Infrastructure (ICSI) – Global Infrastructure Resilience: Key Messages, aims to reinforce that complete estimation and visualization of the resilience dividend can provide a solid economic imperative for investing in infrastructure resilience. The deliberations will have a closer look at risk-informed decision-making enabled through risk assessment.

The presenters will delve into framing of infrastructure resilience as a multidimensional challenge, encompassing domains such as social and economic resilience, infrastructure governance, asset resilience, service resilience, systemic resilience, and fiscal resilience.  The discussion will be based on the key messages from the ‘Global Infrastructure Resilience- Biennial Report.’ A showcase of the GIRI data platform will facilitate the visualisation, querying, analysis, and access to the GIRI results. 

Learned speakers will also discuss the role of NbIS in achieving infrastructure resilience with emphasis on challenges and opportunities for upscaling NbIS in infrastructure delivery.  The imperative of identifying incentives and mobilizing finance for a new infrastructure resilience asset class will also be discussed in detail.

Duration: 90 mins


Savina Carluccio
Savina Carluccio
Alexandre Chavarot
Alexandre Chavarot
Andrew Maskrey
Andrew Maskrey
Amir Bazaz
Amir Bazaz
Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez
Ede Ijjasz-Vasquez

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