Mami Mizutori shares her thoughts on ICDRI 2023
[CDRI, ICDRI 2023, Solutions, Innovations, Pathways, New Delhi, UNDRR, Resilience, Partnerships,...
International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) 2021 DAY 2 LIVE SESSION
Day 2 of ICDRI 2021 [Innovations, Resilience, SIDS, Islands, ICDRI 2021 Entire sessopm, Day 2,...
ICDRI 2023 Sneak Peek
its pillars. [CDRI, ICDRI 2023, Solutions, Innovations, Pathways, New Delhi, Videos]
ICDRI 2021: Innovation and Emerging Technologies
to an uncertain future. Breakthrough innovations and judicious adoption of emerging technologies –...
ICDRI 2021 - Innovation and Emerging Technologies
to an uncertain future. Breakthrough innovations and judicious adoption of emerging technologies –...
H.E. Jason Keats Hall, High Commissioner, Jamaica on ICDRI 2023 and India's G20 Presidency
[CDRI, ICDRI 2023, Solutions, Innovations, Pathways, New Delhi, Jamaica, G20, Videos]
Dialogue 3 on “Prioritizing Investments for Resilient Infrastructure in Mountain Regions”
regions. Highlight diverse interventions, innovations, and good practices for integrating...
CDRI Fellowships: Fellowship Announcement for 2022-23
[CDRI, DRI, Solutions, Innovations, 2022-23 Fellows Announcement, Fellowship, Videos]
CDRI Fellowships: Announcing the Cohort of 2023-24
of CDRI Fellowship 2023-24 awardees [Innovations, Research, ICDRI, Fellowship, Videos, Fellowship...
CDRI Fellowship Programme Cohort 2022-2023
by the Fellows themselves [CDRI, Solutions, Innovations, 2022-23 Fellows, Insights, Fellowship,...
CDRI Fellowship Programme 2023-24 Awardees
Programme Cohort [CDRI, DRI, Solutions, Innovations, 18 Teams, Fellowship, Videos]