About The Community
Making tomorrow’s infrastructure sustainable and resilient requires investments in high caliber research and innovation today. Recognizing the need for solutions in DRI, the CDRI Fellowship Programme was launched in September 2020 with a vision to develop a global multi-disciplinary pool of future-ready professionals from CDRI Member Countries who would help shape a resilient future for global infrastructure systems. A 12-month seed grant, t...
Cohort Overview
First Cohort (2021-22):
The first Cohort of CDRI Fellows comprising 21 teams from nine Member Countries (Afghanistan, Australia, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Peru, Thailand, UK, and USA) have completed their Fellowship, generating a rich array of knowledge products and solutions covering diverse hazard conditions.

Second Cohort (2022-23):
A total of 15 teams from 11 Member Countries (Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Canada, India, Chile, Japan, Peru, Sri Lanka, UK, and USA) are in the process of researching and designing solutions to address specific issues impacting the resilience of existing and new infrastructure.

Third Cohort (2023-2024):
The overarching theme for the third edition of the Fellowship Programme is ‘Inclusive and Resilient Infrastructure Amid Global Transitions,’ focusing on people-centered solutions, capacity building, social infrastructure, interdependent infrastructure systems, and urban infrastructure resilience. 18 Teams from 13 countries were announced as awardees at ICDRI 2023.

Fourth Cohort (2024-2025):
The themes for this edition include the Use of GIRI data for informed decision-making towards resilience of critical infrastructure systems, Multi-hazard early warning systems and disaster risk information for resilient infrastructure and community wellbeing, Building resilience of critical infrastructure sectors to extreme heat events, Ensuring climate and disaster resilience of physical infrastructure in high mountain regions, Quantification of vulnerability and physical losses of infrastructure sectors due to secondary hazards, and Resilient food infrastructure systems. A total of 20 teams/projects from 09 member countries, including Bhutan, Brazil, Canada, Dominican Republic, Germany, India, Italy, Mongolia, and Nepal have been awarded the Fellowship for 2024-25..
Community Goals
Explore The Community Resources
Multi-Hazard Risk Indexing of Coastal Critical Infrastructure: A Case Study Of Thailand
Managing Landslides and Road Construction in Chure Hill Region (CHR), Nepal
What is DRI Connect?
Related Resources
CDRI Fellowship Convening and Convocation 2022
The entire session of the CDRI Fellowship Programme Convocation of the first Cohort 2021-22