Pioneering Nature-based Solutions for Resilient Infrastructure - COP26
with other grey infrastructure initiatives. [CDRI, Videos, Climate Change, Resilient...

Noelle O'Brien from ADB shares her views in the run-up to ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Resilient Infrastructure, add name of the speaker, disaster...

Ms. Veena Reddy, Mission Director, USAID on ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, USAID, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Her Designation]

Ms. Shoko Noda, Resident Representative, UNDP India shares her views in the run-up to ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, India, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Resilient Infrastructure, Resilient, UNDP, add name of the...

Ms. Savina Carluccio, Executive Director, ICSI on the run-up to ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Resilient Infrastructure,...

Ms. Meagan Volau, Design Manager, RISE, Fiji, on infrastructure and the importance of ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, Resilience, ICDRI 2022, Videos, private sector,...

Ms. Mathilda Buijtendijk on The Netherlands' support to ICDRI2022
[CDRI, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Netherlands]

Ms. Mami Mizutori on the need for resilient infrastructure in the run-up to ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, UNDRR, ICDRI 2022, Videos]

Mr. Ravi Chhatpar, Co-Founder and Partner, Dalberg Design on ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, DRI, Disaster Resilient Infrastructure, ICDRI 2022, Videos, private sector, Resilient...

Mr. Max Puig, Executive Vice President of the NCCDM, Dominican Republic, on ICDRI 2022
[CDRI, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Dominician republic]

Mr. Mario Draghi OMRI, Prime Minister of Italy at ICDRI 2021
Minister of Italy at the inaugural session of #ICDRI2021. [CDRI, Videos, ICDRI 2021, Italy]

Mr. Kamal Kishore on the International Conference on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure 2022
[CDRI, NDMA, India, ICDRI 2022, Videos, Designation]

Message from Member Secretary, NDMA & India Co-Chair, CDRI Executive Committee on G20 DRR Working Group
[G20, NDMA, Kamal Kishore, DRRWG] []

Masterclass Session 4: Accelerating Urban Water Resilience in Cities
those through a systems network analysis. [CDRI, DRI, Resilience, Videos, Resilient...

Masterclass Session 3: Using Making Cities Resilient 2030 (MCR2030) tools for DRI
the Disaster Resilience Scorecard for Cities. [CDRI, DRI, Videos, Infrastructure, Resilient, Case...

Masterclass on Catalyzing resilience through innovative and bankable urban projects: Exploring the Water as Leverage Approach (1500 - 1645 CET)
on Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (ICDRI) 2024. Key experts, representing diverse roles,...

Mami Mizutori shares her thoughts on ICDRI 2023
ICDRI 2023 will be an opportunity for countries to share good practices and proven solutions on...

Mainstreaming Climate Adaptation for Creating Resilient Infrastructure
[CDRI, DRI, Adaptation, Climate] []

Launch of CDRI’s Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator Fund (IRAF) at COP27 at India Pavilion
will also be marked by the announcement of CDRI’s multi partner trust fund, Infrastructure...

Launch of 'Infrastructure for Resilient Island States' (IRIS) at COP26
for resilient development in these countries. [CDRI, Launch, Videos, SIDS, IRIS, COP26]