Authors: CDRI and The Resilience Shift

Infrastructure systems work to provide services such as energy, telecommunications and water and sanitation. Transport connects us through the movement of people, goods and information. Infrastructure also protects the things we value such as our built and natural environments. Their complex and interdependent nature, and fragmented governance has made infrastructure systems vulnerable to long-term climate change and natural hazards.

Significant investment is planned in infrastructure globally in the next two decades as we emerge from COVID-19 and work towards decarbonising our infrastructure systems. Poor governance is a key factor that has led to infrastructure projects failing to meet their resilience and societal objectives. Strengthening governance systems – the mechanisms that ensure that infrastructure is of high quality and is sustainable over the long-term – can lead to substantial increases in the efficiency and productivity of infrastructure.

Drawing on case studies and stakeholder engagement with infrastructure decisionmakers and practitioners around the globe, this whitepaper explores the current key challenges and barriers to implementing governance of infrastructure for resilience, and the opportunities available for positive change.

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