In this session the panelists, representing CDRI members from around the world, reflected on the following questions:

Transitioning to cleaner sources will affect the way we design and construct the energy grids of the future. How can countries ensure the safety and reliability of the new infrastructure in light of changing climate and disaster risk patters? What are the peculiar challenges of developing countries with energy access disparities and developed countries with high levels of resilience in current power infrastructure systems?

Different countries are transitioning at different rates. How can Countries, MDBs and IFIs support developing nations, especially SIDS and LDCs, in leapfrogging to future-ready systems, while also achieving the SDG aim of “leave no one behind”?

What roles can the international organizations like CDRI and IEA play in supporting transitions to climate and disaster resilient energy infrastructure of the future? How would they differ across SIDS, LDCs, developing economies and high-income countries?